And let us consider and give attentive, continuous care to watching over one another, studying how we may stir up (stimulate and incite) to love and helpful deeds and noble activities, (Hebrews 10:24 AMP)
Pictured is a young female lifeguard watching over a pool of people. You know lifeguards are special people. They risk their lives everyday for the sake of our fun and recreation. They are willing to jump in what appears to be a desperate situation with the purpose of preserving one's life & ultimate safety. Today's verse is about there being a time to love, and what better picture of love that according to scripture is the true mark of friend, a believer, or follow of Christ is there love for God, and others. Lifeguards aren't partial regarding who they save. They save whoever they see are in need. Life is like a big swimming pool, some people are wading in it, some are swimming enjoying it, some are goofing off, and some are literally drowning in it. We need to be watchful like lifeguard when it comes to living a life that displays an active love that we'd give our lives to save another one. What about you and loving others? Ok so you say....." I love God....." but you treat your co-workers like??????? Or you treat your next door neighbor like?????? How is it that your wife knows you love her? the what all you do.....I'm asking do you speak her love language, do you communicate love in the way that she can understand it recieve it, and be filled by it? What about your kids? Do you know their love language? Your friends? Your co-workers? Do you even know your neighbors? OK DO YOU EVEN HAVE THE BOOK (The Five Love Languages)?
Our secondary scripture asks us to be careful to watch, study how we can incite, excite, inspire others to love and demonstrate acts of good deeds. So how will you do it today? How will you demonstrate love to each person on the job today? How will you be intentional in inciting and inspiring others to jump right in and join the mission of loving God, and loving people? The secret is........just jump right in! There will be multiple opportunities today to buy someone lunch, or just sit down with them at lunch and learn about who they are. There will be opportunities for you to devise a way to celebrate a life; not just because it's their birthday or anniversary, but rather just because you love them. Pick a person in your office....get somebody else involved....make it a big deal...and then next week or whatever choose another person until everyone feels valued cause in God's eyes....they areLGLP!
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