1. absence of any sound or noise; stillness.(noun) 7. to put (doubts, fears, etc.) to rest; quiet.
verb (used with object)
Proverbs 17:28
Even fools are thought wise when they keep silent; with their mouths shut, they seem intelligent.
Even fools are thought wise when they keep silent; with their mouths shut, they seem intelligent.
It was Mark Twain who said " it is better to be thought of as a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." If there is one thing we love to do is talk. I mean beit women in a hair salon, or men at a sports bar, or kids during class....we all have something to say about something. I am sure the church is no different. Beit what's going on at Connections, or what great things are happening in the lives of it's attenders, it's like a drug....we are hooked. We can't or we find it extremely hard to quit talking. We do it in movie theatres. We do it at the Dr. offices. We do it church during the message or praise. We do it behind clothes doors. We do it in front of people's faces. EVERYONE IS DOING IT! Everyone has an opinion....and you know what Jesus was careful not to really EVER give His. Whenever He was polled by the religious leaders or by people He was strategic in keeping silent and then giving them the what the WORD of GOD said answers. Let's take note, and cues from Christ.
The bottom line and point I want to quickly make is this, there is a time to speak, yes....but let's embrace the time of silence, why simply because your name can't be mentioned in gossip. Why, because you learn more actually listening than you do speaking, because you can't do both at the same time. Why, because sometmes what's in our hearts or heads just don't need to come out of our mouth....verbal vommit I call it. Why because in the verb since, we need to put our fears and doubt to that we can stop wRESTling with the WORD of God and simply REST in the WILL of God. Why, because if we do...keep silent that is.....we actually might hear the still small voice of GOD instructing us for the moment, or the day.
My challenge to you is not to take a vow of silence, but rather create pockets of silence in your day. An easy one is turn your cell phone & radio off on your ride to work or home from work......and see what happens. What did you see, or hear? LGLP
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